Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Jay Z Interview

Here´s one of the most interesting interviews ive read with Shawn Carter.
Good questions and great answer, you wanna know how to be an international artist. READ Hova. READ. HOVA.
Look at his past and see where he´s at right now, you can´t get closer to a more beautiful life then to make it there with beautiful hustle.


When i started this blog thing, i partualy did it for the hype....haha. I didnt/dont really got any time to put into blogging but ima give it a second chance and ima put my backbones into it and bring you my blog in form of video clips. Do it the reality way cause thats what the people expect you to do nowadays.
Anyways, ima do it big. You gon see me when you google. Google.

Now here´s Steve Ballmer talking about the future of media and advertisement. Steve Ballmer is the chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation since January 2000.
He´s basically saying what most of us already know, that everything is soon to be delivered over an IP network. I love it, cause it allows small businesses to open up the market.